Monday, May 16, 2011
Of Paramount Importance

Of Paramount Importance
We don't care much about our skin.
Meticulous minds wakes early and exhausts by four.
Calculating punk rock wake up times and shady breaks.
Us delicate creators have no one to play chess with anymore.
No, we don't speak a word to anyone until after noon.
Taking unfamiliar local trains to remind ourselves
just how important it is to make our way
and to make it everyday.
As it happens, we'll throw ourselves out windows
simply because temptation is long gone.
In the event we are suddenly beaten by the chess club
we persevere with misery being our first cousin.
Introverted artists like us stay the fuck away from
any florescence and, god forbid, the sun
to ensure just how important it is
to maintain and to shine.